Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre - MO Seating Chart Order online today! There is no need to wait in line at the box office. TicketSmarter makes it easy to get your Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre tickets for all shows. The Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre has hosted the hottest performers like The Black Crowes and Halsey. Formerly named the UMB Bank Pavilion, the amphitheatre is located about a mile off I-70 at 14141 Riverport Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. It also has a large lawn seating area that brings the total capacity to 20,000. Louis, Missouri, and has a covered seating area that holds 7,000 people.
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre - MO Event Ticketsįans nationwide buy Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre tickets to see their favorite shows at this unique outdoor venue.